How to Keep a Facility Running While Renovating

How to Keep a Facility Running While Renovating

Many facility managers know that they need to expand or renovate their space, but may be hesitant because they can’t shut down operations. If you think about it, it may seem impossible not to interrupt operations while renovating, but it can be done and we’ve pulled it off many times.

Keeping Things Moving

Before we dig into the details of how to keep a facility running during an expansion or renovation, it’s important to discuss why it’s a good idea to complete a construction project this way.

First, an owner may have no other choice. For organizations that lack the luxury of a construction-ready site, completing a project while work remains ongoing might be the only option.

Second, staying in operation means you can keep projects moving. You won’t be totally free of interruptions, but you can at least keep the wheels turning. That continuity benefits those you serve, whether they are patients, customers, or other patrons.

Finally, staying in operation means staying in position to accomplish your organization’s goals. Gyms keep clients fit. Hospitals keep healing the sick and injured. Factories keep turning out widgets. It’s an attractive option for for-profit organizations who must keep generating revenue during a time of significant expense. The same is true for non-profit or educational entities who want to stay focused on their core mission no matter what.

Coexistence During Construction

A detailed plan must be put in place to ensure construction work can carry on with minimal interference with regular business. Some plans make more sense than others depending on the site and circumstances, but no plan will be perfect. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • If an owner has portable equipment and enough space to shuffle people and their work around, renovation or expansion can proceed in phases during normal business hours provided work areas are safely sealed off. A benefit of doing it this way is that it’s easier for contractors to supply workers during normal business hours.
  • An owner can maximize his or her time by keeping eyes on construction and normal operations within a day’s work. However, playing musical chairs with your employees and equipment can be frustrating and may impact productivity.
  • If people and equipment cannot be moved, or the normal activities inside a building are sensitive enough to preclude daytime construction, overnight and weekend work may be necessary. The benefit to users is that normal business can occur without disruption aside from some areas being sealed off. It also makes it easier for construction crews since they can do their work without having to dodge employees or patrons.

Coexistence takes many forms, but flexibility and constant communication are paramount. Construction while keeping a facility running works best when ground rules and thoughtful plans are made from the start and followed.

We’ve Done this Before

Choosing a construction company to manage expansions or renovations while a facility stays running is not to be taken lightly. All companies can promise the world, but are they really up to the task? Clay Construction has delivered many renovations and expansions on sites where normal work was ongoing.

Work with Clay Construction

Ready to maximize your renovate or expand your commercial space? As a premier commercial construction company, Clay Construction is proud to provide interior and exterior services in the Metro DC Area. We have an impeccable track record, an impressive portfolio, and an experienced team that is ready to tackle your next big project. Our results speak for themselves, and we’re proud of the work we continue to produce for our clients.

Do you want to discuss your project with a member of our team? Contact us today!


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